UIP 1.1.3 is now live on mainnet enabling Storage Providers to earn
In order to optimize the existing consensus and economic models for Storage Providers, the Proof of Traded Storage (PoTS) and Proof of Storage Resources (PoSR) consensus mechanisms will be merged into a new a new consensus mechanism, Proof of Capacity (PoC). PoC will link incentives for Storage Providers to services provided on the network and have greater flexibility to better integrate with real data storage services. PoC consensus will be made available in 2 phases:
1. Grant Incentives (UIP 1.1.3).
Storage nodes now will receive conditional grant incentives from the POC consensus protocol during the first year of network access which subsidizes Storage Providers, encouraging them to actively provide real storage services as the market for renters continues to build. UIP 1.1.3 has gone live on mainnet as of March 22nd, 2023.
2. Service Incentives (UIP pending)
Service Incentives will better adapt to the 2.0 storage business model from the bottom-level consensus, giving the UltronGlow network new economic vitality. Service Incentives are expected to be launched in early 2024.